Monday, 17 September 2018

OBJECTIFIED Documentary Response

In the documentary, an individual, Karim Rashid, made a good point saying cameras to this day "are modelled off of the original silver film camera. So, in turn, it is the film that modelled the shape of the camera, and then all of a sudden our digital cameras have not filmed, so why on earth do we still have the same shape?"

He makes a point saying that we are so advanced with technology but yet we are afraid to admit that we live in, what Karim calls, the 3rd technological revolution. Commenting about how we are making things that do not relate to the times that we are living in.

The question about the shape of the camera is something that I never really thought about because ever since I have known cameras have been the same square rectangle that they always have been. It goes back to the point that Karim made, saying that we are making designs that are, in a sense, irrelevant to the rapidly evolving technological era that we are in.

This really got me thinking as to why nobody has designed a new shape or design for the camera, but then I thought there definitely have been changes because nowadays phone cameras are competing head to head with full one DSLRs. Allowing people to carry the power of a DSLR in their pocket. Companies have even started making really quality lenses for phones.

This relates back to the film because I am a photographer it shows me how the world's most influential product designers, an example could be Apple, are having an impact on my life. A common question that could be tossed around is why buy a DSLR that's bulky and super expensive when you can buy a super small and portable device that doubles as a phone and you still have all the specs as a DSLR for less the price.

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