Our Next task was to create an object that has a significance in our lives, so if you've read or seen all my other posts you probably already know what I was going to make. A camera.
Designing on the computer and putting it together using the paper template, for me, was two completely different levels. Prototype 1, I definitely struggled a lot! From time management to sizing the camera and just everything in between.
The first template that I made, I wasn't the biggest fan of the size as I was hoping for a smaller camera, but failed to keep that in mind when I was laying it out in rhino. The photo in red is a comparison in template sizes and the on and the photo in rhino is how the first template looked like.
I also decided to not use some of the features I added mainly due to lack of time and things were getting really intricate and messy, I now know for the next prototype to budget my time better this way I have more time to run into problems but fix them at the same time. I believe the cleanliness and precision of my camera were hurt due to my lack of time management. I made some cuts where I wish I didn't and I had to leave the feature that would have made it way better behind.
Also as this project progressed I started adopting different ways of doing things such as using the flat end of a butter knife to score the object because I was having troubles with the amount of pressure a paper clip was allowing me to do. Then I was not sure on how I was going to get the rounded side for the lens with straight edges, so I thought why not cut some tabs all throughout rather than just having one tab.
And this is the final result for prototype 1: