The idea behind this project was to get us thinking about how we would digitally design an object to be later constructed in the real world using paper. Going thru this process of manually unfolding these objects helped to add to my understanding as to the ways I choose to unfold objects, taking into consideration what would be the strongest and efficient way to unfold this object and how it would affect the physical real-life construction of it.
1. Ice cream
I wanted to start off this post with a failed unfolding. So I love ice cream which is why I wanted to do ice cream as one of my objects, I soon came to realize that you cannot use the explode function on a sphere, so ultimately this idea was a fail, but also a lesson learned.
2. Camera
Cameras are definitely a reoccurring theme when it comes to the objects I create due to its value it holds in my life, as its the tool that I will be using my whole career.
3. B
Most of the objects I made had something to do with what was around me in my vicinity. Since I was definitely in my own vicinity, I decided to unfold the letter B, because that is the first letter of my name.

4. Heptagon
The regular shapes that I made were all during class time, this assignment was fresh information so I didn't really have the chance to think of more outside of just regular shapes, at least for me I need the material to soak in and i need to get all the basic ideas out of the way before all the better ideas start flowing in.

5. Glasses
I wear glasses every day, so it was a no-brainer to want to do eyeglasses as one of my objects. Bryan mentioned deconstruction objects part by part for easier construction, so that is the route I went on this, I figured trying to get one all connected unfolded shape would be a difficult task, so why not make it easy.

6. iPhone
I had my phone sitting right by me so I chose to use it as one of my objects. Obviously real iPhone screens; button, speaker; front camera dont come off of the body like that but I just wanted to portray it like that so you could really see its features and there would be more to unfold.

7. Stairs
I chose to do stairs because I thought of it as a super complex cube/ rectangular prism and it would be interesting to unfold.

8. Triangular Prism
This, again, was made during class time when I was first experimenting with unfolding objects.

9. The "idk wat 2 call this" shape
I started playing around with some of the shape functions in Rhino, which I am a beginner at, and some how came up with this object.

10. Worth the Weight
I love working out so I felt like this was an easy incorporation for objects that are around me daily. I thought I would weight and leave this one until the end.
Thanks for reading!